Friday, May 21, 2010

Great News!

I can not believe that the oil crisis is getting better! It has taken a couple of months but things are begging to go back to how they where before. Gas is begging to cost less money and people are not in such a panic anymore. Even though nobody liked the bad news when it occurred, it sure did open my eyes to a lot of new things. This made me realize that we are to dependant on oil and that we need to find other alternatives to oil, the government should make more eco friendly things like electric cars. I know I am going to start changing the way I live from now on to reduce my carbon footprint, I am now going to avoid driving my car to places and instead ride my bike to where ever I need to go. I am also going to unplug every appliance when ever I am not using it, which will not only help the planet and reduce our dependency on oil but it will also save me a lot of money which will eventually make my friends jealous and they will want to do the same just to save some money. Even though things will change in my life, I know for a fact that I am still going to depend on oil because most of the things in my home are made out of oil. I am really happy that things are getting better but I know that we will eventually go back to the oil crisis once again because people are just to dependant on oil.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oil leak

This oil leak in the gulf is causing me a lot of money! I am the captain of this cargo ship and many people are depending on me to get their shipment on time but this is beginning to become a problem. Since the ocean is full of oil I am not able to go through the Gulf anymore which is making me change my course and taking longer for shipments to get where they are suppose to be. This is also causing more money to be spent because it is now a longer distance traveled to the final destination. I hope this oil leak gets fixed as soon as possible because I can not keep this up otherwise I will run out of business soon, companies would just rather get other means of transpiration like trains to deliver their cargo. Mr. Obama better gets this fix before I lose my job.


Source: LIFE

The oil crisis is in the U.S is still getting worst! This crisis is getting so bad that even some airlines are going out of business. My local supermarket has closed down because of this to, they were not able to get fresh fruits because the trucks that imported them were no longer in service. I am doing a lot these days to become self-sustainable like I am stalking up on the supplies I need because I know that later things are going to be priced even higher than they are now. Things are getting really bad that I just ride my bike anywhere I need to go, and if it is somewhere far away, I just use the train. Elasticity is playing a big role in right now in our economic crisis because I have seen people at the supermarket including my self buy substitutes of a product like soda and coffee just because it is much cheaper. This oil crisis must end soon because I don’t know how long I will be able to live my life like this.